Have you used Facebook?

Join our collective claim!


We demand Facebook to stop its unlawful
data processing practices and compensate for
the data leak.

News articles

5 million

Facebook users in the Netherlands affected

€ 10.4 billion

Total amount of damage

2018 - present

Period covered for compensation


Facebook's revenue model is based on collecting as much personal data as possible and selling it to the highest bidder for advertising purposes. Everything must give way to the commercial motives of the American tech giant, including the online security and privacy of Facebook users.

We demand Facebook to stop its unlawful data processing practices and compensate for the data leak. SOMI will file a claim on behalf of all Facebook users in the Netherlands.

  • € 500.- for everyone who used Facebook after May 25, 2018.
  • € 1.000.- for the victims whose data was leaked in a data breach
  • € 1.500.- for those who fall into both categories

Data breach

Facebook introduceerde een functie die gemakkelijk misbruikt kon worden. Een datalek was het gevolg; gegevens van 533 miljoen gebruikers belandden op het Dark Web. Facebook kreeg hiervoor een boete van € 265 miljoen, maar de schade van Facebook-gebruikers is daarmee niet vergoed.


Facebook gebruikt al jaren persoonsgegevens voor advertentiedoeleinden, zonder dat zij daarvoor een geldige grondslag heeft. Dat is in strijd met de wet.

In strijd met de wet

Facebook introduced a feature that could easily be abused by malicious actors. Data breach was the consequence; data of 533 million users ended up on the Dark Web. Facebook was fined €265 million for this, but the damage suffered by Facebook users was not compensated.

Personal data

Facebook has been using personal data for advertising purposes for years, without having a valid basis for doing so. That is against the law.

Violations of the law

Facebook has transferred personal data to the United States for years, without sufficient safeguards to prevent that data from being misused. That is against the law.

The goal of the claim

Facebook must better protect its users and stop violating their privacy:

  • 1. Stop using personal data for advertising purposes without valid legal basis.
  • 2. Stop transferring personal data to the United States without sufficient safeguards.
Join our collective claim and make Facebook stop these practices.
With your support we can collectively make a difference. By submitting a claim together, we send a signal to
companies that they must handle our personal data with care.

Get compensation for your damage, we claim up to € 1,500 per person.



6 november 2023

Registration of collective action with the Dutch court on the basis of the Dutch Act on Collective Damages Claims (WAMCA)


3 november 2023

A Summons was served to Meta


29 september 2023

Response received from the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP)

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15 september 2023

SOMI submitted a complaint letter to the Data Protection Commission (DPC) in Ireland

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15 september 2023

SOMI submitted a complaint letter to the Dutch Data Protection Authority (AP)

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22 July 2023

SOMI submitted a complaint letter to Meta

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8 september 2021

SOMI started Facebook data leak check campaign


What to do if your personal data
appears in Facebook data breach?

The data breach mainly concerned names, telephone numbers, location data and dates of
birth. These are data that cannot easily be changed. Therefore, we recommend that you follow these steps
to protect your data and secure your Facebook account.


Use strong passwords that include at least 15 characters, upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.


Enable 2-factor authentication on your account. Try third-party authentication apps to generate login codes.


Change your Security and Login Settings, enable alerts for any type of unrecognized logins.


Update your data – remove unnecessary personal information.


Beware of ‘Smishing’ (SMS-phishing) and other phishing attempt. Do not click on any links or reply to SMS messages from any unknown sender.


Retrieve your personal information from Facebook. SOMI can collect your personal data on your behalf and investigate whether such data has been collected in accordance with the GDPR.

About SOMI

Foundation for Market Information Research (SOMI) is a non-profit organization established to identify and influence issues of social importance. SOMI is a recognized claim foundation in the field of privacy and data autonomy and is committed, among other things, to protecting the fundamental rights of consumers and minors who use online services. With the app that SOMI has developed, we want to return ownership and control of personal data to all people: All your data. all yours.

SOMI is a designated collective action organization in the European Union. For more information, please visit the Dutch government's website Rijksoverheid.nl.

SOMI investigates abuses, informs the public and helps injured parties. SOMI does this by conducting collective proceedings and claiming compensation.

For more information about SOMI, visit www.somi.nl

There you will find, among other things, our articles of association, reports from the Board and the Supervisory Board and information about our governance structure and Claim Code compliance.

Get compensation for your damage, we claim up to € 1,500 per person.
